Monday, January 27, 2020

Language Learning Styles And Strategies English Language Essay

Language Learning Styles And Strategies English Language Essay Dr Georgi Lazanov, a Bulgarian proponent of the accelerated learning affirmed that human learning is the basic and natual function-easier than breathing and walking (as cited in Prashnig, 2004). This seems to be right to learning a language as a mother tongue because we were born with the same ability of learning our first language so most of us acquire and learn our first language easily and naturally. However, the expectation is not the same to acquiring and learning a second or foreign language. In my career of English language teaching, I have witnessed a number of students who make very little progress in their language learning whereas the others get improved quickly and conspicuously. Althought most students have received generally equivalent language education at schools or universities, they show differences in proficency and competence in using the target language. So, why are some successful and the others fail to get good achievement in their learning? Why do those studen ts can speak well in the target language but the others can not communicate fluenctly and confidently? Is it because some are smarter than the others? what makes the differences among these students? A number of researches on these matters have indicated that each student prefers different learning styles and their learning styles impact on the trategies they apply to their learning. This results in learning styles as well as learning strategies affecting the students learning achievement (Ehrman Oxford, 1988). This discovery confirms Georgi Lazanovs belief that learning is a matter of attidude not apptitude. The importance of learning styles and stategies have been widely recognized in language learning and more and more research has been done on them . Definitions of terms. According to Brown (2000, p. 113). Style is the term used to refer consistent and rather enduring tendencies and preferences an individual has. Styles are characteristics of intellectual functioning that make an individual unique. Styles characterized an individuals typical way of thingking and feeling Strategy is the term used to refer a method of approaching a prolem and an operation used to achieve a particular goal. Different people employed varied strategies to solve their own problems and the strategies they use might not be the same time by time. A good language learner to Joan Rubin ( 1975, pp. 46-48): is a willing and accurate guesser. He employs appropriate ways to perceive and process information. He accepts uncertainty and he is flexible and comfortable in applying his ability of guessing to explore for and get the meaning of the communication from the clues that he is offerd in the setting in combination with using his social and linguistic schemata. has strong motivation to communicate. He is willing to involve himself in communicating by using any means such as circumlocution, gestures, spelling, paraphrasing, creatively forming new words from the original express his meaning or to get his message across. is not inhibited. He is willing to make mistake because he believes mistakes are part of language learning process. He learns from his own mistakes by trying to understand them and avoid repeating them. is prepared to attend to form. While a normal learner tends to percieve what they are taught in the textbooks or lessons in the classroom, a good language learner seeks for something else beyond them. He is constantly looking for patterns in the language by analyzing, categorizing and synthesizing it. practices what he has learned or acquired. He find the opportunities to use the language as soon as possiple not only in class but also outside the classroom. monitors his own speech and the speech of others. He evaluates his performance by mornitoring his own speech and getting feedback from the listeners. He also mornitors the others to see how they use the language in comparision with the standards he has been taught. attends to meaning. He pays attention to not only the forms of speech or grammar but also the meaning of the language by negotiating the meaning of the message in differenct contexts. Statement about the background of the learners in the research and the research questions The learners are recent graduates or experienced engineers from different parts of Vietnam recruited to work for projects of Petrovietnam. They have received nearly equivalent English language education at school and at university. However, after graduation they are at different English proficiency levels. Like most of the other Vietnamese students, they can hardly speak English. Some of them even can not read aloud an English reading text fluently. This is the most common problem for English language learners in Vietnam. They are sent to PVMTC to take a special course to improve their technical knowledge and English skills, especially speaking skill, to perform their job together with foreign experts in their field at industrial facilities or in offices. They have five classes a week and each class lasts for four hours. They are extremely motivated because after the course, they are expected to achieve at least 650 marks on TOIEC and to be good at communication in all circumstances in order to be appointed to different appropriate positions at their working place. The learning objectives of the course are obvious and CLT approach is chosen to apply in teaching the students so that they can improve their communicative skills in English. Before doing the course, the school give them a placement test to categorize their English proficiency levels and put them in the diffirent appropriate classes accordingly. The students have different attitudes and behaviuor to their language learning and so is their learning effectiveness. The high proficiency students usually appear to make better progress, their learning outcome appears better than the low proficiency students, and especially, their speaking skills get improved obviously. So, my study serves to find out the answers to the following questions: What makes the difference between the students of low and high language proficiency level? What is the difference of language learning strategy use between EFL students of high and low proficiency levels in learning English speaking in Petrovietnam Manpower Training College (PVMTC) in Vietnam? What can a teacher do to help these leaners of diffirent learning styles use and combine different types of strategies in their English speaking learning? Being different from learning styles, language learning strategies can be probably trained to the learners. Hopefully, the finding of the study and its practical implication could help language teachers in their teaching. Liturature Review Language learning styles Learning styles are prefered approaches to learning, the environment of a learner and the ways he or she perceives and processes information, the specific ways that an individual acquires, retains, and retrieves information (Felder Henriques, 1995), inherent and pervasive characteristics of a particular individual or a group of people (Willing, 1988), preferred or habital patterns of mental functioning and dealing with new information (Ehrman and Oxford, 1990), means of acquiring knowdlege and skills, habits, strategies, regular mental behaviours concerning learning an individual displays (Pritchard, 2008). Or according to Keefe (as cited in Griggs, 1991), learning styles are the composite of characteristic cognitive, affective, and physiological factors that serve as relatively stable indicators of how a learner perceives, interacts with, and responds to the learning environment. Different researchers have got different definitions of the learening styles depending on their perception of learning and education psychology. So there are also different dimension of learning styles and more than twenty dimentions of learning styles have been known so far focusing on social, physical, environtmental preference, personality type, cognitive ability. In this paper, I would like mention the two models of learning styles that are relatively related to language learning. VARK- Visual, Aural, Read-Write and Kinethetic Neil Fleming (1987) classified learners according to their preference in the ways of getting, retaining and processing the input as well as performing the output. Visual learners learn through seeing and like using the words that they can visualize their images. In the classroom, they are usually impatient. They tend to interupt the others while they are talking but they are good at talking and persuading. Auditory learners are really good listeners. They like verbal explanation and information in spoken words. They think in a linear way and they speak slowly. Read-write learners enjoy writing and reading. They feel more comfortable with any input or output in form of texts. Kinethetic learners learn through manual operation using senses. They try new things and they learn from the errors they make. They tend to like dealing with real life problems but they are not very risky in making decision. The Index of Learning Styles The famous model of Learning Styles developed by Richard Felder and Linda Silverman 1988 devived the learning styles into four dimensions indicating the ways in which the learners perceive the world. Sensing and intuitive (Perception dimension): Sensing learners prefer learning the facts. They learn best with certain and real information. They tend to solve problems in a common way and they hate complications. Intuitive learners prefer discovering posibilities and relationships. They tend to like finding the meaning. Information of conception, creation and theory attract them most. They do not like repeatition. Active and reflective (Processing dimension) Active learners prefer doing. They understand well and keep in their mind the given information for long if they are allowed to act, learning. They learn best with the others. Reflective learners prefer to think, evaluate, analysis the input. They feel more comfortable with learning quietly and individually. Visual and verbal (Input dimension) Visual learners deal well with graphs, pictures, and diagrams. They prefer visual representations of information. Â   Verbal learners get inforamation most if it is in both spoken and written words. Sequential and Global (Understanding dimension) Sequential learners get the understanding of the information in a linear way and they get the whole input by connecting logically and orderly the segments of it with one another. Global learners look at the input as the big picture to understand them. They usually work with the whole then its details. Language learning strategies Learning strategies are operations, steps, plans, thoughts or behaviors that learners use to help themselves to acquire, retain, regain and use information (Wenden Rubin, 1987; OMalley and Chamot, 1990; Weinstein Mayer, 1986). In other words, learning strategies are characterized as specific actions that learners take to make their languge learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective and more transferable to new situations (Oxford, 1989, 1990). Among the strategy taxonomies developed by varied researchers such as Stern, O Malley and Oxford, as a teacher, I am particularly interested in the Stratey Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) which was developed by Oxford in 1990 for its importance as a effective tool to determine the strategies that a learner uses in learning English. In her system, Oxford separates language learning strategies into two general classes direct strategies and indirect strategies. These two classes are divided into six groups: memory, cognitive, compensation, metacognitive, affective and social strategies. Direct Strategies are employed by learners to deal with the new language. Memory strategies used for information storage and retention included in four sets: creating mental linkages, applying images and sounds, reviweing well and employing actions.These strategies helps learners remember what they have learned better by putting them together in a logical order, retain and retrieve them by associating them with images and sounds and act them out if it is possible. At the early stage of the language learning or for the learners who are young children, memory strategies are applied most frequently to learn vocabulary. Cognitive strategies used for analyzing, classifying and combining new information with the learnerss prior knowledge comprise of four sets: Practising, receiving and sending messages strategies, analizing, reasoning and creating structure for input and output. Learners employ these strategies as tools to achieve the target language by reapeating verbally or in words to get new information, to complete a complex task needing a lot of thinking like reading comprehension which is closely related to the learners prior knowlege, to summarize and restructure the target language in useful forms. Compensation strategies used for reducing the effects of lacking knowledge of the target language included in two sets: guessing intelligently and overcoming limitations in speaking and writing. The learners insufficiency of vocabulary and grammar can be overcome by guessing, using gestures, adjusting the message. Indirect Strategies used for genaral management of learning can be used in combination with Direct Strategies to regulate the learning. Metacognitive strategies used by the learners for the sefl-reflection. They embrace three sets: centering your learning, arranging and planning your learning, evaluating your learning. The strategies aim to drive the learners attention to particular skill areas of the language to improve, set the goals and objectives, organize their learning by dealing well with tasks to get the best achievement, seek opportunities to prastise and self-evaluate by monioring their learning progress to make sure that they get benefit from their effort. Affective strategies used for controling learnersemotions, attitudes and motivations. They fall into four sets: lowering your anxiety, encouraging yourself and taking your emotonal temperature. The learners have both positive and negative feelings that may slow down or speed up their learning process. The strategies help them to control their negative feelings to overcome the psychologic difficulty, self-encourage to have themselves engage fully in learning the language and command themselve by sharing their feelings in different ways. Social strategies used for co-operating with others in learning. These strategies contain three sets: asking questions, co-operating with orthers, empathizing with others. Asking question is the most useful way to get imformation and its meaning. Learning language occurs mostly in communicating with others. So co-operation gives learners the best chance to get involved in the learning environment to learn the language. The trategies help learners enhance cultural understanding and sharing others feelings and learn the language. Overview of research on learning styles and strategies Many researcherss findings have implied the effect of learning strategies and indicate that most language learners unconciously use learning stratergies to enhence their learning and they sometimes may not really realize that they have chosen the most appropriate strategies to utilize and (Chamot Kupper, 1989). It is also stated that the good learners know well the strategies they use and tend to apply varied but appropriate language strategies and are able to explain the reasons why they use them for different tasks, learning needs and different stages of their learning and that the learning strategy use of the high proficiency learners appear more frequent and wide-ranging (OMalley Chamot, 1990). Ming Nuan Yang (2008) finds the same result in her study of language learning strategies used by the students in Chang Gung Institute of Technology in Taiwan. In her study of language learning strategies used by students at different proficiency levels in a university in Taiwan, Ya Ling Wu (2008) confirms that the higher proficency students use more and varied learning strategies, especially cognitive, metacognigive and social strategies than the lower proficiency students do. However, Vann and Abraham (cited in Sawani) found the opposite results in their study of strategy use of ecademic English learners in the USA which showed that the strategy use of the unsuccessful learners are the same as the successful learners As we know, language learning strategies can help learners to be more autonomous. Language learning strategies also assisst learners in making choices, initiating learning activities and taking responsibility for their learning. Each strategy have its own significant effect on different language skills. To deal well with English language speaking learning, the learner , as a good language learner, is required to be a risk-taker, to make good use of paraphrasing and circumlocution, to be aware the importance of self-monitoring, and self-evaluation (Chamot Kupper, 1989). Therefore speaking skills in partcular are usually effected most by compensation, cognitive, metacognitive, social and affective strategies. One of the biggest problems that the L2 learners face to is the deficiency in vocabulary and grammar of the target language. In the English language speaking classroom, the highly proficient students usuall usually apply compensation strategies which to Oxford (1990) can help learners comprehend and produce messages in the new langguage making up their deficiency in vocabulary and grammar. Applying compensation strategies , the learners appear to become a better language learner because they are getting willing to take risk. For example, they are willing to take risk to learn to speak the language at their expense. They are not afraid of being a fool when making mistakes or using gestures as they are speaking. They become good guessers to understand what people say and become very creative in using the target by paraphrasing or using circumlocution to express their intended messages to get themselves understood. In his study in 2009, Chandra Bose found that the compensation strategie s were adopted by engineering students of Tamil Nadu in India while speaking English to make up for the inability to speak fluently and Goh and Foongs study on language learning strategy use of Chinese students shows similar results but Yang (2007) found that both high and low proficiency Chinese students in his uninersity used compensation strategies more than other strategies. Most learners are very cognitive when they deal with learning the second language esspecially aldult learners. They love using their mind, cognitive strategies to solve problems. However, OMalley Chamot (1990) beleive that cognitive and metacognitive strategies are often used together to support each other and that the appropriate combinations of using these strategies often bring more effectiveness. Cognitive strategies help learners analyse, classify and associate the new information with the prior knowledge and mentally restructure them to make the new one for their own. They provide language functions and structures whereas metacognitve stratergies help learners manage their learning by self reflecting. Rubin (1975) states that a good language learner always look for opportunities to involve in communication and highly aware of their learning. So does a language learner with metacognitive strategies. They monitor their own speaking to learn from the mistake they have made, plan their learning to achieve the goal they have established. These learners are usually reflective learners. Metacognitive strategies are claimed to be used more often by Taiwanese university students ( Yang, 2007) and Chinese students (Bedell, cited in Yang, 2007) than by Puerto Rican, Egyptian, Indonesian and Korean students (Yang, as cited in Yang, 2007). The affective filter hypothesis of Krashen (1982) concerns the factor of emotions that effect the learners second language acquisition. It means that the learners with high affective filter will receive less input than the ones with lower affective filter. This is consictent with Oxford (1990) belief that affective strategies can help learners to lower their anxiety, encourage themselves and take their emotional temperature. Affective strategies enable learners to control their emotions and attitude to language learning because the learners can be encourage or decourage in learning a foreign language by being intersed or anxious or bored. Affective strategies are asserted to have sigficient impacts on learners since they assist learners to overcome the anxiety they may have when speaking. That is the reason why the results found in Yangs study of Chinese (Yang, 1993 cited in Yang, 2007) and Taiwanese students use of learning strategies show that affective strategies were used the lea st (Yang, 2007). This is explained that Chinese and Taiwanese students in a traiditional English class have few chances to speak. Learners tend to use social strategies look for oppotunities to engage themseves in communication by asking questions, asking for help, practising the new things they have learn with others and sharing their feelings about learning the target language with others. Learners with social strategies make use of asking questions to achieve understanding, cooperating to increase confidence and to be in competition to expose their better performence than othersand to develop cultural understanding. Social strategies help learners learn the target language through interacting with others. This is extremely significant in learning speaking. However, the choice of social strategies depends a lot on learners characteristics and learning styles. The learners with social strategies are usally active learners who are extroverts who tend to open up with others to learn the language (Ehrman and Oxford, 1990). Conclusion Most of the studies on language learning styles and strategies in recent decades have stated that learning styles effect the seclection of language learning strategies the learners apply to their language learning. In the other hand, research also indicates that the levels of success and proficiency the learners reach and the frequency and variation of learning strategy use of the learners increase accordingly. These findings are vitally important to language teachers who play a very significant role in part of the successes that their students may enjoy or part of the failure that their students learning may end in. Learning about the diference of language learning strategy use between the successful, high proficiency learners and unsuccessful, low proficiency learners is necessary to teachers so that they can adapt their teaching styles to match their students learning styles, train their students the language learning strategies that the successful, high proficiency students utili ze in their learning to help them to enhence their learnings effectiveness in the ways that the good language learner does.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Consequently Mayflower

There were several dfferent classes of people who settled in the colonies of North America. They all experienced hardships along the way, though some experiences were milder than others. One perspective of someone who had a decent experience. was William Bradford. He was one of the leaders among the group of religious, freedom-seeking people, called Pilgrims, who arrived in America on the Mayflower. Their trip was not as smooth as It seemed though. Their ship had gotten off-course several times, as a result of the violent storms that took place.Consequently, in spite f the patent (which had originally granted them to settle in Virginia), they ended up settling their colony in what they called Plymouth (Massachusetts). This lead to a series of conflicts between the group of land-seeking people and the religious people. The land-seeking people argued that they were not bound by the terms of the patent, and thus no one had the power to control them. As a compromise, Bradford and the oth er leaders created an agreement called the Mayflower Compact, which stated that members of the colony had to form a civic body politic, and obey by the laws for the good of the colony.Bradford later went on become governor of the Plymouth Colony. Another perspective, is of Olaudah Equiano, who served as an African slave and came to the America not by choice, but by force. Born in Africa to a village chief, Equiano was suppose to follow in his father's footsteps. However, at age 11 he was kidnapped and loaded Into a crowded slave ship with Inhumane conditions. After barely surviving the poor conditions of the trip, Equiano was first taken to the Barbados, and then to Virginia to work in a plantation. Less than a month later, he was sold to an English naval officer.After traveling the world as the man's servant for seven years, he was fortunate to have been able to buy his way out of slavery. HIS fate was lucky, compared to others who would, along with their children. never know freed om again. Lastly, a slightly better experience of settling in the colonies would be Matthew Lyon, who was one of the many indentured servants who voluntarily agreed to trade their freedom for a trip to America. Lyon was a fourteen year old at the time, but his intelligence allowed him to persuade the ship captain to say he was eighteen (through bribery), which lessened his service time to three- ears.However, because of his cleverness, he once again was able to shorten his service time. After a year of service, he convinced a farmer to give him two bulls, promlslng to pay off the debt when he was free. With the bulls now In his possession. he was then able to sell the bulls to his master in exchange for his freedom. From the on, he was free, and after working off the debt he owed the farmer, Lyon went on to first become a ironworker, then an officer in the army, and eventually, the legislator of Vermont.As you can see, there were many different types of people with a wide ange of pe rspectives, who settled in the colonies of North America. BY Pinklover1967 There were several different classes of people who settled in the colonies of North were milder than others. One perspective of someone who had a decent experience, Their trip was not as smooth as it seemed though. Their ship had gotten off-course 11 he was kidnapped and loaded into a crowded slave ship with inhumane slavery. His fate was lucky, compared to others who would, along with their children, promising to pay off the debt when he was free. With the bulls now in his possession,

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Leaders and tempting situations Essay

This book by Ira Chaleff explores and analyzes the role of a follower. Too many a time leadership has been highlighted but this book uniquely shifts its focus to the follower. The author argues that following is often stigmatized, it is often perceived as docility, weakness or the failure to excel. This handbook shows that a courageous follower can be an enormous asset to a leader. It illustrates Chaleff’s confidence in the individual. The book talks about dynamics of interpersonal relationships that can be applied in everyday situations anywhere. It identified five dimensions in which courage can be demonstrated: assuming responsibility, serving, challenging, participating in transformation and, given the worst-case scenario, leaving. What then is a courageous follower? A courageous follower understands that anything can happen in a fast-paced world thus contingency plan is always a necessity. He accepts that he holds a risky position and is able to speak and act the truth not compromising respect for individuals (Chaleff 2003). One who is not afraid to work closely with other followers and one who dares to challenge existing practices but in a constructive and non-confrontational way (Chaleff 2003). The author purports that courage cannot lead to disobedience unless on special circumstances such as the preservation of life and the respect of the law are at stake. These exceptions are deemed important enough to supersede the human tendency to follow orders (Chaleff 2003). Becoming a courageous follower is not achievable overnight. There is no shortcut to being partner to a leader. Courageous following is a two-way street. It takes a lot of openness and perceptiveness. Moreover, it takes passion for the job, initiative, buy-in, loyalty, trust, open mind and communication skills (Chaleff 2003). As relationship based on courage is grown, credibility is build. I would say courageous following should be practiced in our Department. Ours is a highly-charged working environment where preservation of life is the main goal. It is but practical for a follower be he courageous or not to be able to respond – in a timely manner to certain situations that calls for contingency measures. But I believe everyone in the Department understands how risky the positions we hold are. In addition to this, there is always the truth part or the morality issue. It’s not only practical but I would say a necessity for anyone in the Department to espouse truth all the time. This goes for anyone regardless where they are working but ours seem to weigh more in peoples’ perception because we are in law enforcement and we are the law enforcers. We serve and protect the law thus we are assumed to be lawfully and morally upright. This though is a perfect world scenario. Ours is hardly perfect. There are always faulty leaders and tempting situations that would challenge our commitment to truth. This is where being a courageous follower comes into play – speaking and acting the truth, daring to challenge conventions, practice, instructions or rules, always maintaining that certain degree of professionalism and respect for individuals. The points raised in the book are generally applicable in almost all organizations. Being a courageous follower takes a lot of hard work and professionalism. It takes discipline and commitment. The leaving part of being a courageous follower given the worse causes can be impractical in a way. But in the end things will just boil down to one word – integrity. Work Cited Chaleff, Irah, (2003). The Courageous Follower: Standing up to and for our Leaders. Berrett- Koehler Publishers, 2nd Edition

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Analysis of Article The Weight of What If Essay - 718 Words

In her article â€Å"The Weight of What If,† Anna Quindlen writes about the tragedy of fallen soldiers. She says that we often forget how each soldier is a life unlived, and we often forget â€Å"what if† they had lived. Speaking in a balanced tone, she deals with the Iraq conflict, as well as World War II and Vietnam. She forces us to ask questions about war and the effect it can have on us. Quindlen clearly wants us to think more compassionately about the veterans. Because we are so far removed from Iraq, we may think that â€Å"the spectacle of hometown kids’ leaving home to be killed or maimed is bearible only when it’s given an antiseptic name.† We sometimes only see war as a lot of strategy and far-away fighting, when it is something personal that†¦show more content†¦She has obviously watched these videos and felt the emotion that she is describing. It is clear that she is not just anti-Iraq or anti-war, because she seems to accept that war is necessary. She does not take potshots at the current administration or even the way the war is being run. Instead, she wants to focus on the veterans. This makes her argument very effective. She is extremely persuasive when she contrasts such language like â€Å"strategy† and â€Å"details† with a â€Å"book with half the pages won.† Quindlen wants us to think about the people, and not just the â€Å"details,† so when she refers specifically to â€Å"men who fought in World War II . . . Lining up to seek psychiatric help afterward,† we begin to think of actual people doing this. When she refers to â€Å"marriage precipitously ended or never made† and â€Å"children orphaned and never born,† we realize that war has really gruesome and tragic effects. The essay is strongest when Quindlen is reminding us of the soldiers and the real, human loss when they are killed in battle. She reminds us that they are human beings, and our hearts go out to them. 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